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View Full Version : Raising the Helm Seat

08-11-2007, 10:06 PM
Sounds like several of you raised your helm seats. How did you do it (have any pictures?) and was it worth the effort when you were all done? Sounds like an interesting idea

08-12-2007, 10:39 PM
I was thinking of moving mine forward about 2 or 3 inches. In the process I may also lift it, it sounds like it would beneficial. The problem that I have is when not on autopilot I have to scoot up and lean forward and after a while it takes its toll on my back.

Knot Now
08-13-2007, 08:17 AM
Any of you can come down to my boat and try the seat to check it out. All I did was go to RIDOUT Plastics and buy some "scrap" 1/4 inch plastic and cut it in strips. I took out the bolts and went to West Marine for replacements. The bottom of the seat is NOT FLAT and Mine alread had a shim to level out the seat. Raising the seat also helps with reaching the controls and clearence for the rod holder rods and radar arch. If you raise the seat too much you might want to lower the rod holder.
I will take some pictures and post them.

08-16-2007, 01:54 PM
I just looked at mine and one of the previous owners has already lifted the seat 2'. Now I see why every one wants to raise their seats but I think moving it forward in the process would also be a big help. Hopefully next week if I can make time I will move mine forward and let you guys know if it is beneficial.