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View Full Version : dragging L.B. harbor

09-20-2007, 09:46 PM
I headed out Wednesday with Dave a good fishing buddy. We wanted to see if we could earn a few points for the halibut slot. We Picked up great scoop bait and headed to some local holes inside long beach harbor. If you have never been there, its huge almost like S.D. but with more rock jetty’s and cargo ships everywhere. After a few hours of nada we moved to another spot that runs along a jetty with a nice kelp edge. The wind was in our favor to push rite along the jetty. With our lines dragging the bottom. Dave starts casting a 5 inch swim bait and gets nailed on his first cast but it doesn’t stick. He cast out again and this time it sticks. Wouldn’t you know a nice 32inch seabass hits the deck. I guess were just lucky Joe

09-21-2007, 06:14 AM
You must have them things schoolin under the boat. Nice by-catch.


09-21-2007, 08:21 AM
Another beautiful picture! Man are you a professional photographer? What kind of camera are you using? Nice catch too.