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View Full Version : BBQ July 11

06-27-2010, 11:07 AM
Lets try and get together the weekend after the 4th of July in the parking lot above J dock. I don't think the date interferes with any big tounaments, moon phases or graduations so we should get a good turnout.

I would like to collect dues ($25) by the end of July when we need to pay up for the server space the site uses. If your not going to make the BBQ or would prefer to mail in your dues, I can give you an address to send it to.

I am shooting for having the stickers in my hand by then and Jay is going full speed on the shirts so he might make that date as well.

I'll bring 2 canopies, 2 tables and Doug's chair from 04.


EDIT: how about noon for a start time

06-27-2010, 01:41 PM
Time? I'll bring a salad. I don't go fishing anymore so I can't bring fish. I'm back spending $ on the boat so maybe that means there's a fishing trip in my future.

06-28-2010, 07:03 AM
11 July at noon works for me. Not sure what I'll bring yet.

06-28-2010, 07:29 AM
I'm in!

Like you said Mike, I hope the shirts will be done by then. It should be close but do-able.

I'll bring the potato-salad and an extra "Easy-up" canopy.

See ya there.


Hamachi Girl
06-28-2010, 09:52 AM
We're in too. I'll bring my dad along (aka: The Chief) and he can entertain everybody with his fishing stories from the old days.

I'll toss a brisket or porkbutt in the smoker the day before and bring that on down along with some refreshents.


06-28-2010, 02:12 PM
HUBBS Tourney is that weekend on Saturday and the banquet on Sunday, but I think it's all doable for me just not sure how involed I can be in the BBQ other than bringing some food and drinks.