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View Full Version : Injection pump removal

11-29-2005, 03:51 PM
Has anyone pulled their injection pump?
I've read that you need to re-time it once you install it but I can't figure exactly where you re-time it.
Mine is leaking oil from the face. I believe it is the O-ring. I have a new one but I have yet to pull the pump.
I know you are supposed to get the engine on top dead center which is fine but what is the big deal about pulling the pump and sticking it right back in?
Help please.


11-29-2005, 05:25 PM
I've never pulled my pump, but wouldn't hesitate to do so for a job like the one you need to do.

Scribe a line or two on the pump to the engine so you can align the pump exactly where you removed it from. I believe there will be a few degrees of rotation on the pump with the bolts loose. This is where the fine tune timing is done, like on an old car with a distributor.

Don't rotate the engine or pump once you separate them. In the worse case you'll need to get a diesel mechanic involve at the very end to set the timing if something moves on you.


11-29-2005, 06:27 PM
Good luck with it. I'm staring at two motors sitting on pallets in the garage, and I wouldn't want to pull the pump off of them, out of the boat. Looks tricky. Get some advice from Steve?