I can't stay long but I'll be there with some appetizers.
Type: Posts; User: Professor
I can't stay long but I'll be there with some appetizers.
.......or you can wrap it in foil and set it on top of the engine. Slow and low cost but effective.
I'm there. I'll bring something to fry or grill or whatever.
Perhaps, just maybe you have to many events Phil? I could learn to hate you.
Another thing to fix. Mine are coming of the boat.
Mexican diesel for Baja is made in Long Beach. If there are problems it's from storage or handling.
Sorry I missed it. Mike PM me an address for the dues.
I'm flying down south ( as in FL) that morning so I can't make it. I'm sure you'll have great weather for the BBQ since I can't be there.
Justin Merlini
Aqua Force Diving Service
(619) 507-5463
Justin has done my work for 5 years. No BS only one price change in 5 years and he's there on schedule. Bottom, and zincs plus a condition...
After the 15th of Nov I'm good. Cedros was great as usual and other boaters are always welcome.
If we catch them they do qualify for lunch. Lemon, tarter sauce etc........