12:30AM Headed down the line for a meat run where my buddy Mike Bratton scored Friday; started at 31:55 117 35 at greylight over a nice wad of fish on the meter. Single jiggy and 1-3 baitfish each stop until 9AM then just single jiggys throughout the rest of the morning within a 2 mile box of the numbers. Small PB YoZuris and PB mini clones worked in the morning, then Mex Flag and Zucchini feathers took over in the PM. After limits for 6 worked our way north and still got stops every 15 minutes or so; at 32:00 117:34 had several bait fish on 2 stops from 1230-1PM and finally had to get out of there; cleaned boat and all the fish and just made it home by 10PM, long day. We had left over chovys from Mike's trip but they ate the sardines real well so it didn't matter. Seem like the seiners were just East of the Hidden Bank today, we were in the middle of the sport fleet most of the morning. Largest went 27#, most 22-25# with only 2 under 20#. Pics to follow, my passenger will email them to me. Good day of fishing but not that fire drill one stop shopping like we had a couple years ago, no long bait stops. Good Luck!