OK, we have talked about this before and I promised to take some action. Now that it looks like Tenacious should be up and running with the repower complete soon I'm ready to start talking again. I would like to propose a BOCA overnight rendezvoux at the beautiful Island of Todos Santos in September. I'm thinking that whoever is interested could link up Saturday afternoon/evening on either the 11th, 18th, or 25th. If everyone involved is interested we could tie up together. The anchorage is well protected from the west wind and swell. I haven't experienced any strong Easterly winds there yet so I don't know if that would present any problems. I don't think it needs to be a big planning problem. Everyone just brings their own stuff unless somebody has some special recipe they really want to share. I do plan to fry-up some calamarie (interested RT?). It might even be fresh this time. Of course mexican fishing licenses are required if any fishing gear is onboard and legally we should all clear customs upon return to the U.S. So you might want to factor that in to your voyage plan. Personnally, I plan to rack up some serious BOCA tournament points during this trip to make up for down time. Reply here with your desired weekend. I like the 18th.