Thanks for the info. The smoke seemded to subside after we started moving from the dock and the temp came up. Not sure if that is a clue to determing anything. I am a worry wart type of person, tackle problem b4 it gets worse. I am going to keep an eyeball peeled for any more clues. I put biobore in fuel and penncool in fresh water cooling system, that is about all. Do you recommend any special additives. I will ask John Benson if he has any recommendations. I'm just trying to enjoy the boat . I have spent the last 6 years trying to make it the best running boat with all of the fishing bells and whistles. If I dont get good use this summer, on the selling block. Just spent about $10,000 and the deck, engines gone throught, replacing all that hangs on the block. I think I will be ok. Coming in the MB channel, felt and heard a thump, thump thump. Ran over piece of plywood or something. I asked the crew, what was that? They said I dont know must have run over something and continued their conversation. Cant believe how some people are so oblivous when something happens on the boat. Next time that happens I'm going to start grabbing the life jackets and through them at the crew and start yelling "Abandon ship, we are sinking." :}. Maybe next time they wont be so non caring about the boat they are riding on. Thanks again for your iknfo. Al