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Thread: No Kill Bag Needed

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Default No Kill Bag Needed

    Took Old Blue out for a shake down trip. Launched around 1pm or so.

    The good news
    The new trailer is the best!
    She's running great but after sitting in the water for 3 weeks, now has a minor cooling issue - time to pull the elbow I guess. She's still a pleasure to run and runs well.

    The bad news.
    Coughed up $35 for half a scoop at Mission Bay. ran out to the ridge 18 or so out. Saw some life along the drop off at 6 or so. nothing much out at the ridge along where we ran. Wound up about 6 or 7 off of Carlsbad and found some birds and a little fish up there. None of it wanted anything to do with us. We started seeing stuff pop up around 6 or 6:30 and it just got more and more active till dark to a point where we were seeing single and double birds working and diving over a wide area. Couldn't buy a bite. Saw a few whales.

    Good weather and came home in the dark. This was a really enjoyable trip.
    Brian on Old Blue, out

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Spring Valley


    The net boat made two sets on the ridge just above the 182 around noon. My buddy broke off a big one in that area in the morning. Nothing for me yesterday.
    Did you see big fish or the 70 lb dinks up at Carlsbad?
    Last edited by NoSlack; 08-04-2016 at 06:38 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004


    The only one we laid eyes on we both thought was about the size of a seal but there were no mammals other than whales in the area. So it was no dink. I don't know what kind of whales we were seeing but they didn't look big enough to be blues.
    Brian on Old Blue, out

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