High Water in the Bilge 10 days ago killed the 1st one I bought online after the original went bad; I had Broadway rebuild my original when the bearing noise was loud so I would have a backup. They said they could only replace the bearings as internal electronic parts were not available so they replaced the bearings for $100. Early last week I put it on and when I started the motor it was even louder than before; it lasted 3 minutes then seized and snapped my new $80 belt. I told Broadway about it and they overnighted one for me in time to install Friday afternoon so I was good for Saturday. We ran it for 7 hours Saturday then it dropped down to 12.3 volts from 14.1. We headed in as I wasn't sure how much juice the glow plugs required and we made it in. I ordered another alternator online last week just to have a backup and we installed it tonight and its only putting out 12 volts so it must be something else I hope. I'm taking the overnighted alternator back to Broadway and have them test it, maybe they will have an answer.