Headed out at 4:30 toward to 302 with my son and his friend. Not too busy for a Sunday but not many fish either. Heard of some action further south but decided to head in the direction of the 182. Found several patties but only one was able to produce a couple of dorado. About 10 miles north of the 302 we ran into several schools of porpoise and all were holding tuna. Maybe four boats in the area when we started getting hit (about 12:30) but that quickly grew to a scene out of Jaws when everyone wenting looking for the Great White. We ended up with 9 yft and 2 dorado and didn't get back to the dock until 4 pm. The fish were hitting just about anything black and purple but yozuri's and cedar plugs worked best. As many lines as could be trolled got hit. A great day - plus the Padres won and Trevor got the record.
