Good morning BOCA folks,

Yesterday was a cool day on the water. Fished with Mr. Dan Fuller and learned alot about SOCAL fishing. Good guy who super optimistic and has bagged lotsa big fish. It is Good to see a fellow Blackman "Dog House" out there and to talk to No Slack on the radio. Hope you guys scored some fish too. Started at the nine in 325' for a few nice rockfish including 2 bocaccio (to 3 lbs) and a nice red (vermillion). Also caught there was an assortment of rockfish (green spot, square spot, etc.) In the process of attempting the get more of the reds to bite, Dan spots a shark which swims up to the boat and says "catch me, catch me". Fortunately it was a mako, so I did what it asked and caught it. It was probably a 30lb fish and it did not fight very good until a sea lion appeared and started chasing the shark. It was really cool to see a sea lion chasing a Mako around. Caught it on video and will bring it to the next BOCA BBQ. Fished the rest of the day for a few sculpin and nothing else. Weather was cool with a brisk cold breeze in the AM which died out about 10:00 AM and allowed for a flat beatiful day on the water. Will post the pics as soon as I figure out how to transfer the video to still images and transport them into a JPEG file. Oh yeah 65 points toward the 2005 highliner as soon as I can get the pics (yehaa!!).

Yale, please provide your recipe for the deep fried fish you made at the BBQ. What are te secret seasonings?
