Fished solo on Easter Sunday afternoon/evening at the 9 mile bank and the Coronados. Ran into Phil (Knot now) at the fuel dock weighing in his catch from Saturday. A nice boccacio and a huge bonito (9.8 lbs). Off to the nine for a shot at the bonito I went. Arrived out there and there was Russ and Mark (I think) they would not respond on the radio. Found the bonies puddling everywhere and positioned just up wind of them. Let the jig fly and it was instant bendo. After 12 couple minutes I boated a big bonito which later went 10.3 lbs on the scale. Caught and released two more. Biggest bonito I'd ever caught. Moved to te Coronado Islands and anchored up for a relaxing evening. Started chumming giant squid chunks and flylining sardines. At about 5:00 PM a big boil erupted and the monster bass went crazy. First fish was an easy 5lber. Took pics and sent her back thinking that was the biggest bass I've caught in a while. Two minutes I'm on again and this one feels good too. Pulled up on ethat was even bigger than the first. This one hit the scales at 5.8 lbs. For the next hour I released at least 6 more 4-5lb calicos and kept one for the dinner table. Whar a great Easter evening. Antways they are there but, just remember that they are on the spawn and grow slow so, please just keep enough for your family to eat and release the rest.
