I stopped by the Blackman shop today to talk to Steve and the guys about re-doing the windows on my 23'. The windows leak and I'm starting to get some movement in the frame work while underway.

On the 23', the flybridge is supported up buy a pair of 3" post in the front and the fiberglass columns in the aft corners. The glass and aluminum window frames provide the sheer strength for the side to side and for to aft movement.

Over the years, several of the 23' owners wanted to install an arch, despite Don's warnings that the flybridge wasn't designed to handle that type of load. Some guys listened and some of us didn't.

Steve and I kicked around a few ideas on how to beef up the flybridge support, enhance the look of the boat and be relatively easy to install.

He's what we came up with. They'll get started working up a mold for a one piece fiberglass section that will replace the windows and the aft fiberglass columns that currently support the flybridge. This new piece should look just like the fiberglass section on the 26', black tinted windows and all.

If all goes well I will be sporting the new sleeker look by summers end.


Classic look of the 23'

2005 upgraded look of the 23'