
Most of my experience is with the older AQAD40 engines, but I would say you could benefit for a cooler cleaning.

You can hit the designed wide open throttle RPM, so I would think your props are the correct size for the load you are pushing. If you're propped right, you shouldn't have a temperature problem running at full throttle for short periods of time. On my engine I would consider anything over 200 a real problem. (some of you 41 guys chime in here if that engine likes to run hotter)

Back to the cooler cleaning. I came up with a way on the 40 to circulate a mild acid/water solution through the raw water system using a spare pump and a few hoses. The first time I did the flush, I saw a significant drop in running temp, and now consider this to be a 2 year maintenance item.

I you'd like to get together and talk engines some time, give me a call.
I'm just over the hill in Spring Valley.

Mike 465-1617