Not a great report for those who are catching the albies, BFT, etc. right now but, it couldn't have been better for me. My 8 and 10 yr old boys have not really been into the surfing and fishing (my two favorite activities). The 8yr old has gotten seasick every time out. So Sunday morning I asked the boys if they want to go out fishing with one of their friends. Surprisingly they both said yes. We started at the s. end of La Jolla. 8yr old hook up on big barracuda, immediately followd by the 10 yr old. Both boys reeld in some logs. This continued for about an hour with several exciting moments for the boys and their buddy. Normally, I'd toss the cudas but, since they wanted to eat their catch I let them keep 1 each. Afterwards we scouted out towards the 9 hoping for possible exotics. Water was clear and we were greeted by hundreds of dolphins. The boys had a blast up on the pulpit watching the mammals zig zag under them. At one point a small dolphin kept tail slapping the water right next to the boat as if it were trying to splash the boys. Jigs were out the entire time but, no takers. Ventured into PT Loma kelp and topped the day off with a nice calico before returning to the dock. Nobody even got sick. Later that night after dinner at which the 8yr old bragged about catching the biggest fish, they both commented that those barracuda were the best fish they ever had! I know this fish report is lame but, it was definitely the best fishing trip I've had in a long time. I may have some new fishing buddies.