Well, got my boat tented last year for termite damage, parked it next to a friends house across the street. They said it should be ok for a few years. Well it was moist and hot in Lemon Grove yesterday, went out to let a guy look at giveing me a quote to clean up the engine room and paint both engines. Lifted the engine covers and see 2 to 3 termites walking around on the trough, crushed the suckers. While talking to him I see two more critters and crushed them with a smile and yet a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. I guess it was too hot in the wood and they came out to sun bathe. Sprayed the areas were there was previous damage and will check today at high noon. Anyone have a similar experience? Hate them bugs. I do know that ants are termites enemies. Last year when I had the termites, I would see ants allover the boat. When the guy came to give me a quote he sai that the ants eat the termites. I would watch as the ants would go into the termite tunnels and pull the termites out by the butts. Sooo, I should plant some ants on my boat to start the killing process.