Let me just say I would much rather be fishing than working on the boat. The fishing is better than its been in a long time which makes working on the boat even harder. I am still dealing with Volvo on them replacing my drive, it's a very, very slow process about one email response a week. It sucks to be the little guy.
During the down time I decided to do some much needed maintenance and some up-grades I have wanted to do since I bought the boat. I have a had a bad oil leak for from the front main seal for awhile and the only way to get to it was to pull the engine out. Well what started as and oil leak fix has spread into other aspects. After pulling the engine I scrubbed the engine compartment and added SR 1000, a sound deadening material that you spray on. I have used a similar material on my hot rods and custom cars and it works great. We will see if it has the same affect on the boat.
the engine compartment after applying the SR1000
I want my boat very quiet. I have rode on a few other boats lately and they were much quieter than mine, so I also added this 1/2 inch sound deadener to the walls of the engine compartment. I heard a lot of talk of how heavy the stuff was but after looking at it, it really doesn't weight much at all. I think I removed more weight in junk out of my side compartments that the weight of the deadener. I have to finish attaching the soundproofing and the plumbing for the pumps. Its only in the mock up stages here. I also installed new larger thur hulls and two new bait pumps. Changed the water manifold to be more functional and a new wash down pump. More to come next week. Joe