Well my rockfish outing was plagued by about 50 potato chips (that's what I call em). The Sand Dabs were thick as could be. Every rock I dropped on had em. I know they are good eating but it does take 5 or 6 just to feed one person. In addition to the potato chips, I released numerous small Starries. I ended up keeping 1 whitefish, 3 starries, 1 green spot, and 3 bank perch. All caught at the lower 9. Nice day except the thick fog near Pt. Loma. I tried shallow, deep, and everything in between and could not find any vermillions. The release method for the small rockfish appeared to work pretty well. I used a milk crate with three 2lb weights tied to it, and 30 feet or line to lower it. Place the bloated fish on the water's surface, place the milk crate over it (face down), and lower the fish approximately 30' (about 2 atmospheres?). Almost all of them swam down after a few seconds at that depth. I could see them as they swam away in that clear water. A couple floated up but, I don't know why. Probably needed to lower them deeper?
